Frequently Asked Questions
What type of referrals are accepted, and do I need to be referred by my GP or other specialist?
You can access the services at Lynne Daniels Psychology by directly contacting the service via email or phone, via your GP or specialist or NDIS LAC/support co-ordinator or third-party organisations such as Open Arms, MAIB and workers compensation insurance companies.
Why do the parent/carer’s attend the initial appt without the child present?
Parents or carers are invited to attend the initial consultation to allow the clinician to collate a history and development of your child from you, prior to engaging in therapy with your child.
How and when do I pay the consultation fee, and can I access a rebate?
The consultation fee is payable on the day of the session. To gain a Medicare rebate you must be referred by your GP via a Mental Health Care Plan. Lynne Daniels is a registered NDIS provider which enables you to access consultations using your NDIS funding as outlined in your NDIS plan.
Can I choose to cease therapy?
You can choose to cease therapy whilst you are a client of the practice. Please note that if you do choose to cease therapy, any outstanding invoices including late cancellation fees are still payable.
How long do the consultations go for?
The duration of consultations is 50 minutes. For Couples Counselling the duration is 90 minutes.